Peer-Reviewed Publications |
See my Google Scholar page for a link to these publications or email me ([email protected]) for a copy of these publications
Journal Articles
23) Perry RI, Nemcek N, Hennekes M, Sastri A, Ross A, Shannon H, Shartau RB. 2023. Domoic Acid in Canadian Pacific Waters, 2016 to 2021, and relationships with physical and chemical conditions. Harmful Algae.
22) Shartau RB, Turcotte LDM, Bradshaw JC, Ross ARS, Surridge BD, Nemcek N and Johnson SC. 2023. Dissolved algal toxins along the southern coast of British Columbia Canada. Toxins. 15(393).
21) Shartau RB, Shu J, Baker DW. 2023. The role of salinity in recovery of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from stimulated angling stress. Conservation Physiology. 11(1), coad009. In Press. 10.1093/conphys/coad009.
20) Shartau RB, Harter TS, Baker DW, Aboagye DL, Allen PJ, Val AL, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF, Hedrick MS, Damsgaard D and Brauner CJ. 2022. Acute CO2 tolerance in fishes is associated with air breathing but not the Root effect, red cell bNHE, or habitat. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 274: 111304.
19) Shartau RB, Heindrich SN, Turcotte L, McCarron P, Bradshaw JC and Johnson SC. 2022. Acute microcystin exposure induces reversible histopathological changes in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Fish Diseases. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13599.
18) Shartau RB, Baker DW, Harter TS, Aboagye DL, Allen PJ, Val AL, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF, Hedrick MS, Damsgaard D and Brauner CJ. 2020. Preferential intracellular pH regulation is a common trait amongst fish exposed to high CO2. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb208868 doi:10.1242/jeb.208868.
Highlighted in Inside JEB (K. Knight. 2020. Fish maintain tissue pH despite CO2 blast. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb224543 doi: 10.1242/jeb.224543)
17) Shartau RB, Damsgaard C and Brauner CJ. 2019. Limits and patterns of acid-base regulation during elevated environmental CO2 in fish (Invited review). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 236: 110524.
16) Sackville MA*, Shartau RB*, Damsgaard C, Hvas M, Phuong LM, Wang T, Bayley M, Huong DTT, Phuong NT and Brauner CJ. 2018. Water pH limits extracellular but not intracellular pH compensation in the CO2 tolerant freshwater fish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Journal of Experimental Biology. 21(23): 1-5. *equal contributors
15) Shartau RB, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF, Elsey RM and Brauner CJ. 2018. American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) embryos tightly regulate intracellular pH during a severe acidosis. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96(7): 723-727.
14) Shartau RB, Baker DW and Brauner CJ. 2017. White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) use different strategies for pH regulation depending on the type of acid-base disturbance. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 187: 985-994.
13) Shartau RB, Brix KV and Brauner CJ. 2017. Characterization of Na+ uptake in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to gain insight into the mechanism of acid-base and ion regulation in a basal, water breathing actinopterygian. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 204: 197-204.
12) Shartau RB, Baker DW, Crossley II DA and Brauner CJ. 2016. Preferential intracellular pH regulation: hypotheses and perspectives. (Invited commentary). Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(15): 2235- 2244.
11) Shartau RB, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF and Brauner CJ. 2016. Embryonic common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) preferentially regulate tissue pH during acid-base challenges. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(13): 1994-2002.
10) Shartau RB and Brauner CJ. 2014. Acid-base and ion balance in fishes with bimodal respiration (Invited review). Journal of Fish Biology. 84(3): 682-704.
9) Harter TS, Shartau RB, Brauner CJ and Farrell AP. 2014. Validation of the i-STAT system for the analysis of blood parameters in fish. Conservation Physiology. 2(1):cou037.
8) Harter TS, Shartau RB, Baker DW, Jackson DC, Val AL and Brauner CJ. 2014. Preferential regulation of intracellular pH represents a general pattern of pH homeostasis in the armoured catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. (6): 709-718.
7) Allen PJ, Mitchell ZA, DeVries RJ, Aboagye DL, Ciaramella M, Ramee S, Stewart HA and Shartau RB. 2014. Salinity effects on Atlantic sturgeon growth and osmoregulation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 30(6): 1229-1236.
6) Shartau RB, Harris S, Boychuk EC and Goldberg JI. 2010. Rotational behaviour of encapsulated pond snail embryos in diverse natural environments. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213(12): 2086-2093.
5) Shartau RB, Tam R, Patrick S and Goldberg JI. 2010. Serotonin prolongs survival of encapsulated pond snail embryos exposed to long-term anoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213(9): 1529-1525.
4) Goldberg JI, Doran SA, Shartau RB, Pon JR, Ali DW, Tam R and Kuang S. 2008. Integrative biology of an embryonic respiratory behavior in pond snails: the “embryo stir-bar hypothesis” (Invited review). Journal of Experimental Biology. 211(11): 1729-1736.
22) Shartau RB, Turcotte LDM, Bradshaw JC, Ross ARS, Surridge BD, Nemcek N and Johnson SC. 2023. Dissolved algal toxins along the southern coast of British Columbia Canada. Toxins. 15(393).
21) Shartau RB, Shu J, Baker DW. 2023. The role of salinity in recovery of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from stimulated angling stress. Conservation Physiology. 11(1), coad009. In Press. 10.1093/conphys/coad009.
20) Shartau RB, Harter TS, Baker DW, Aboagye DL, Allen PJ, Val AL, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF, Hedrick MS, Damsgaard D and Brauner CJ. 2022. Acute CO2 tolerance in fishes is associated with air breathing but not the Root effect, red cell bNHE, or habitat. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 274: 111304.
19) Shartau RB, Heindrich SN, Turcotte L, McCarron P, Bradshaw JC and Johnson SC. 2022. Acute microcystin exposure induces reversible histopathological changes in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Fish Diseases. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13599.
18) Shartau RB, Baker DW, Harter TS, Aboagye DL, Allen PJ, Val AL, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF, Hedrick MS, Damsgaard D and Brauner CJ. 2020. Preferential intracellular pH regulation is a common trait amongst fish exposed to high CO2. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb208868 doi:10.1242/jeb.208868.
Highlighted in Inside JEB (K. Knight. 2020. Fish maintain tissue pH despite CO2 blast. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223: jeb224543 doi: 10.1242/jeb.224543)
17) Shartau RB, Damsgaard C and Brauner CJ. 2019. Limits and patterns of acid-base regulation during elevated environmental CO2 in fish (Invited review). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 236: 110524.
16) Sackville MA*, Shartau RB*, Damsgaard C, Hvas M, Phuong LM, Wang T, Bayley M, Huong DTT, Phuong NT and Brauner CJ. 2018. Water pH limits extracellular but not intracellular pH compensation in the CO2 tolerant freshwater fish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Journal of Experimental Biology. 21(23): 1-5. *equal contributors
15) Shartau RB, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF, Elsey RM and Brauner CJ. 2018. American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) embryos tightly regulate intracellular pH during a severe acidosis. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96(7): 723-727.
14) Shartau RB, Baker DW and Brauner CJ. 2017. White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) use different strategies for pH regulation depending on the type of acid-base disturbance. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 187: 985-994.
13) Shartau RB, Brix KV and Brauner CJ. 2017. Characterization of Na+ uptake in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to gain insight into the mechanism of acid-base and ion regulation in a basal, water breathing actinopterygian. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 204: 197-204.
12) Shartau RB, Baker DW, Crossley II DA and Brauner CJ. 2016. Preferential intracellular pH regulation: hypotheses and perspectives. (Invited commentary). Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(15): 2235- 2244.
11) Shartau RB, Crossley II DA, Kohl ZF and Brauner CJ. 2016. Embryonic common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) preferentially regulate tissue pH during acid-base challenges. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(13): 1994-2002.
10) Shartau RB and Brauner CJ. 2014. Acid-base and ion balance in fishes with bimodal respiration (Invited review). Journal of Fish Biology. 84(3): 682-704.
9) Harter TS, Shartau RB, Brauner CJ and Farrell AP. 2014. Validation of the i-STAT system for the analysis of blood parameters in fish. Conservation Physiology. 2(1):cou037.
8) Harter TS, Shartau RB, Baker DW, Jackson DC, Val AL and Brauner CJ. 2014. Preferential regulation of intracellular pH represents a general pattern of pH homeostasis in the armoured catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. (6): 709-718.
7) Allen PJ, Mitchell ZA, DeVries RJ, Aboagye DL, Ciaramella M, Ramee S, Stewart HA and Shartau RB. 2014. Salinity effects on Atlantic sturgeon growth and osmoregulation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 30(6): 1229-1236.
6) Shartau RB, Harris S, Boychuk EC and Goldberg JI. 2010. Rotational behaviour of encapsulated pond snail embryos in diverse natural environments. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213(12): 2086-2093.
5) Shartau RB, Tam R, Patrick S and Goldberg JI. 2010. Serotonin prolongs survival of encapsulated pond snail embryos exposed to long-term anoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213(9): 1529-1525.
4) Goldberg JI, Doran SA, Shartau RB, Pon JR, Ali DW, Tam R and Kuang S. 2008. Integrative biology of an embryonic respiratory behavior in pond snails: the “embryo stir-bar hypothesis” (Invited review). Journal of Experimental Biology. 211(11): 1729-1736.
Book Chapters
3) Shartau RB and Baker DW. 2024. Integrative Responses to Hypercapnia. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (2nd). Elsevier.
2) Baker DW and Shartau RB. 2024. Growth in Fish. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (2nd). Elsevier.
1) Brauner CJ, Shartau RB, Damsgaard C, Esbaugh AJ, Wilson RW and Grosell M. 2019. Acid-base physiology and CO2 homeostasis: Regulation and
compensation in response to elevated environmental CO2. In Fish Physiology Vol. 37 “Carbon Dioxide”. (Grosell M, Munday P, Farrell AP and Brauner CJ
eds). Series Editors Farrell AP and Brauner CJ, pp. 69-132. Elsevier, New York.
2) Baker DW and Shartau RB. 2024. Growth in Fish. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (2nd). Elsevier.
1) Brauner CJ, Shartau RB, Damsgaard C, Esbaugh AJ, Wilson RW and Grosell M. 2019. Acid-base physiology and CO2 homeostasis: Regulation and
compensation in response to elevated environmental CO2. In Fish Physiology Vol. 37 “Carbon Dioxide”. (Grosell M, Munday P, Farrell AP and Brauner CJ
eds). Series Editors Farrell AP and Brauner CJ, pp. 69-132. Elsevier, New York.